Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Little White Lies

I have been reading a couple of women's magazines recently (stealing some personal time off when baby sleeps in the afternoon) and there was this article on the little white lies that couples tell to each other everyday. So what is a white lie?

Definition of a white lie:
A white lie is an often trivial, diplomatic or well-intentioned untruth. However, the ethical ramifications of being in conflict with an otherwise consistent personal moral theory are far reaching and often involve self-deception.

To be honest, I'm no saint. Throughout my life, I've probably told numerous lies to people around me, but as far as I can help it, I would always tell the truth. To me, a lie is a lie. Why categorize it to different types and self-delude to say that white lies are less of a sin? I've met a few people in my 20 odd years who makes a habit of telling white lies. True, the lies may be trival and not particularly serious - So why lie about it? In many situations, I do not see why the lie need to be told...the truth itself would have suffice. Hey! I am not referring to mundane issues like "Am I fat?" or "Am I good-looking?". I am referring to issues that probably strike a cord (or several) in a person's heartstrings, eg going out alone with someone of the opposite sex etc. I have tried analyzing and these are the situations which I think why couples tell lies to each other:

1. In fear that the truth would spark off unnecessary jealousy
2. In fear that the truth would spark off active imagination which would make mountains out of molehills
3. In fear that the truth would hurt the other's ego
4. In fear that the truth would create unnecessary unhappiness
5. To act blur

6. To hide a secret agenda
7. Out of habit

I believe that some lies are told with the best intentions but do these perpetrators stop to think how the person who is being lied to feel if he/she finds out the truth? Wouldn't it be more hurtful? Wouldn't it give rise to more unhappiness? Why deceive your loved one if there is truly nothing to hide? Aren't couples, who pledged their love to each other suppose to be honest to each other? How can trust be formed if there are so many white lies in a relationship?

Am I alone in this and am I self-deluding? Is trust and honesty so difficult to achieve?

Ur Sweet Lullaby thought hard on 4:37 PM.