Tuesday, September 27, 2005
At Long Last!

Stage 1 of my labour

The day has finally arrived! Started feeling contractions at about 9pm on 20th Sept (Tuesday). Unlike some heresay about contractions being likened to 'a screwdriver plunged into the flesh', mine was bearable. In fact, it was not painful at all. But then that was the initial stage. My other half and I were saying the rosary together at that moment. He was very excited and wanted to go to the hospital immendiately but I had my reservations. I was afraid that it might be fake contractions and it would be just wasting everybody's time if we just rushed to the hospital like that. So I still went to take a bath and it was then I realised that I had the 'show' (brownish blood). That was it! My other half called his parents and we were instructed to go to the hospital.

After the nurse examined me, she confirmed that I was in labour already. Had already dilated 3cm by the time we checked into the hospital at about midnight. Contractions were regular but still far apart so we had no choice but to wait for it to become more intense. The wait was so loooongg...zzzz.... There is still no 'screwdriver pain' but it was getting more uncomfortable.

Stage 2 of my labour

After I was put on drip at about 9am on the 21st Sept, the contractions became more intense about 2-3 min apart. At this stage, I was told to go on epidural as the nurse told me I might not be able to keep still during the epidural shot if the interval of contractions become any closer. Well...no harm if it's going to spare me of any potential pain.

I hae to say this, epidural is the greatest invention for all women. Initially, I thought it would hurt like nuts since it's a needle injecting stuff into the spine...but it was nothing more than an antbite *seriously*. After that, it was a breeze...I could feel nothing from tummy and below. And it was a low dosage about 6ml per hour.

Stage 3 of my labour

The interval of my contractions started becoming closer together at about 4-5pm but the baby's head was still not well engaged so my Obstetrician wanted me to push my baby lower first. The nurse, my husband and I started the 'pushing' at about 5.30pm. Man...it was difficult not having any feeling of the contractions and yet you have to push. I practically used up all my internal strength to push...all I had was the nurse's words that I was doing well at each push. My other half supported my head and encouraged me all the way through the pushing...He didn't say anything but I think all the pushing made him wanna go to the toilet.

Finally! The head was engaged (my other half said he could see the top of head)....my obstetrician was called and the actual birth was finally here! All I had to do was to push hard 2 more times and my baby was out! Throughout the
episiotomy (An episiotomy is a surgical cut in the perineum, the muscular area between the vagina and the back passage - I needed it here as my baby was expected to be a big one, to prevent a tear, the obstetrician would have to perform such a procedure), the birth of Helena, the placenta birth and the stitching, i felt nothing....amazing isn't it...thats the miracle of epidural!

Here is baby Helena in her first picture:

Hi Dear! You're finally out to see mummy and daddy!

Ur Sweet Lullaby thought hard on 3:30 PM.