Wednesday, July 27, 2005
The Struggle for Sincerity

Every week at church, I'd receive a weekly bulletin whereby the church updates the parish on it's weekly schedule, upcoming events, the parish scene and my personal article from the friar.

This week the friar talks about "The Struggle for Sincerity". In his article, he exclaims "Much as the desire for sincerity haunts us, it's still difficult to be sincere. Why? Because too many things get between us and our real center. What things? The mind-set of our culture, fads, ideology, group-think, rationalizations, old wounds, present hurts, body chemistry, infatuations, private fantasies, among other things, help block us off our real thoughts and feelings...."

I guess this is the dilemma we all face. Face many times in our interaction with people and society are we forced to say or do something which we may not necessary agree with? These little acts of hypocrisy are what we now term as "white lies" and we would tell these white lies to not only people we do not like...but also people who are dearest to us.Afterall, sometimes it is more important to maintain peace and harmony than forcing your thoughts through....well thats what I think anyway...maybe it's because of my personality...

To be sincere is to be be bare, transparent, uncoated and to be truly yourself, not covered by pretence, whim, fad or political correctness. To be sincere is to be without a mask. Seriously, nobody can do that. We can try but trust me, one can never achieve this. It's impossible...and let's say you'll be the most lonely, most unsuccessful and disliked person in a society like ours.

I guess life is quite like the essays we have written back in school where our thoughts and ideas are influenced by popular, successful theories and ideals. We subscribe to writing the type of essays that got good marks by saying the stuff that could win us applause. Isn't that life as we know it?

Maybe thats why people prefer interacting with animals than their fellow dog will always be sincere and truthful to is that simple between us....

Ur Sweet Lullaby thought hard on 2:46 PM.