Thursday, July 07, 2005
My 3rd Trimester

I'm into my 3rd trimester of pregnancy now. God! I am big! My tummy has swelled to the size of 3 footballs. I feel so heavy and yes, I have difficulty sleeping too cos' most positions are uncomfortable. The only position which more comfortable for me is facing up but I am afraid that it might not give Helena enough space in the tummy...alas...this is the paraniod me talking....

Talking about paranoia...I have more stories to share....Ever since I knew I was pregnant, I have not drank any wine whatsoever (not that I drink alot, but even the occasional festive drink was a no-no to me then). But last saturday, I drank like 1 cm cup worth of red wine. I was told it is good for the baby. The baby was actually kicking quite a bit then but after I drank the wine, the kicking subsided...I was so worried!!!! I read this story from a magazine that a woman's baby died at 30 weeks with no rhyme or reason at you image how worried I was. I woke up a few times in the middle of the night, just urging Helena to kick or make some movement inside so I know that she's ok. Sigh...this is the beginning of motherhood I guess...Well, she finally moved and I could sleep after that....

For the last 1-2 months, it was pretty fun with Helena inside me. She is more responsive now, she would kick whenever/wherever I put my hand on my tummy. My other half and my sisters were surprised that it could be so hard. Sometimes, it comes in a series, the kicks/movement travelling from one side of the tummy to another. During boring meetings at work, I would just look at my tummy and watch the surface of my tummy bob up and down. *ha ha* I try to talk to Helena as much as I can as well...greet her in the mornings, tell her what I might be doing at the moment and also say goodnight to her. So much so, I feel like a mad woman...another sign of motherhood??!

Oh yes, I must take this opportunity to correct Daemonicus on her misunderstood view on my 1st scan of the baby. She had thought that a scope measuring 10 cm wide was inserted into my vagina to scan for the baby. God! 10cm wide? It is 10cm long dear, not wide. The circumference of the scope is probably just about the size of a 20c coin. If it's 10cm wide, I would have died from the pain. It's like giving birth without all the surgery...

Anyway, I am taking my pregnancy photos next Sunday. No, I am not doing a full nude pose like Demi Moore. I am doing something a little more subdued but yet still artistic. I hope the photos will turn out well cos' I would like to be remembered as a 'sexy mama'. *tsk tsk*...Just in case, you wanna know, the photographer is my other half so no qualms about stripping I guess....*hee hee*

Ur Sweet Lullaby thought hard on 2:14 PM.