Thursday, June 23, 2005
Pregnancy and how it changes your life

Pregnancy and how it changes your life

I have always pride myself to be modern and contemporary in my thinking.....pregnancy has changed all that.

When I found out that I was pregnant, family and friends came forth to offer advice of all sorts....yes, even a ''Do/Do Not'' List.

Things not to do when I am pregnant:
1. Use a scissors and cut stuff on the bed
2. Move the bed (that includes changing the sleeping on dirty sheets is good?
3. Nail and hammer stuff into the wall
4. Go to the zoo (cannot the understand the logic in this one)
5. Watch horror movies

Think the one which affected me most is the last...I love horror movies...Vampires, Ghosts, Werewolves, in English, Chinese, Japanese or name it, I have probably watched it all. I have missed all of that this year....and why? All because of this fear insilled in me that watching too many scary images might affect how my child would look....*ha ha*

Never thought that I could turn out this's strange how a baby can change a person.

My other half has also declared that we are not to go for tours together for at least 2 years now. One parent must stay behind to be with the kid. Is that how having a child might change your lifestyle, if so, maybe thats why Singapore is facing such low birthrates. I refused to subscribe to that. Even with children, a husband and wife must steal some time alone with each other...only then, there's romance. And this should be done at least once every month...take leave, sneak out to have fun with each other...even if it's not for an overseas trip....that's what I believe in...without such rendevous, a relationship is monotonus and sigh...boring....

Ur Sweet Lullaby thought hard on 10:45 PM.