Sunday, June 26, 2005
Lending Money

Lending Money

I am currently going through RCIA (a procedure one goes through to become a catholic) at the moment. Every Saturday, we are expected to attend the "Breaking of the Bread" and today's topic is pretty interesting. It talks about ''unselfishness'' and what I have done to provide for another person unselfishly and how the person had reacted or responded to my unselfish act. The topic of "lending money'' came up and I was reminded of my other half's experience.

A few years ago, a good friend borrowed some money from my other half (for what reason, I am not too sure - I got to know of this after the event. Alas guys! why do they always not discuss such matters with their wives first, I wonder?) It was not a big sum of money but it was not a small sum either. Let's just say it is enough to bring a family of three to a comfortable 3 days trip to Bangkok. As I said, it was a good friend....and my other half felt obligated to help him. Afterall, he had known this friend for some time now.....surely it would be ok?!

After some time, when the finances of this friend seemed better (I mean, we could see that he bought some branded, high techy stuff...he went on tours etc), my other half could not help but remind this friend of his debt. Once, twice...there was always an excuse for not being able to pay. After a couple of years, we not only did not see our money, we did not even see this friend...he moved away and was virtually uncontactable...

Hey, I believe my other half was unselfish to lend this friend the money. But I believe that his friendship was abused. Whatever the difficulty, if it was a true friend, he would have tried to pay back the debt in the shortest time possible. To me, 6 months to 1 year is the longest I would stretch. Even if it was not the full sum, at least he could pay back installments... I am aware of the fact that money lent is money gone but one should not abuse that.

Well, as for that money, I am not sure if we could ever get it back but I guess God has other plans and maybe we would get our returns in other means...

Ur Sweet Lullaby thought hard on 12:14 AM.